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largest quartz slab

Picture a sparklingly bright rock that dances in the sunlight like diamonds. This is what the quartz appears like! Quartz is a crystal that occurs all across the world and are very unique having different looks,... Lavender Quartz Lavender quartz is one of the largest slabs and known primarily for being world's biggest slab since ever.

As the largest piece of quartz in the world, it has become a natural phenomenon that attracts people. To be exact, the fountain is so huge in size that it actually weighs as much by 3 elephants combined together! Imagine that, three elephants! At more than 28 feet long and almost 10, this massive slab of quartz. The Best Ski Carrying Capacity Of Any Honda That is bigger than the largest school bus you are likely to see parked in your 'hood!

    Unveiling the Biggest Quartz Slab on Earth

    The largest quartz slab was found six miles in a mine. What he found was a hidden chamber, deep underground in the shape of an cave. A special job requiring specialist tools and equipment ensured against damaging the quartz slab-since after all, it was still in a cave. The work was difficult and dangerous because it had to do below ground but they used all the necessary means to bring it safely with out problems.

    The museum in the United States received that largest quartz slab once it had been completely cut and shaped. The journey took many months! Although for any transport, the slap needed to be all wrapped and guarded as it moves across this period. Workers made sure it was safe to fly

    Why choose JESTONE largest quartz slab?

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